Sunday, December 28, 2008

| Thank you!! |


hehe today is my birthday Smile!! hehe tua suda.. yg ke-24 plak tu.. hesh dewasa dewasaSick .. my wishes?? tak de apa pon sgt, just hoping to get a great life ahead and also stable financial hehhe ThumbsUp

semlm, my best buddy aida, dgn bermurah hatinya belanja kami2 yg celebrate birthday december ni mkn..yum2 !! thanks yep Halo

with miss aida aka the victim who foots the bill hehe Grin

the 'busy eating' preys: ikmal, mira, ezan n me heheh

the 'busy talking' preys: ip n chan( betul ke eja nama dia ni) ;p

my presents hehe.. love it very much!!Heart thanks ya

p/s: next year, kita wat ade xtvt plak ye hehehheheeeeeeee.. more presents!!Halo

till then,




Aida said...

~ my present?? hope u like it.. have a wonedrful bird-day .. hehe =p~

Azida Alzahari said...

of course i like it ^_^ bird-day?? heheh.. neways, thanks ya!!