Saturday, May 21, 2011


haloo. hehehe entry tade kene mengena ngan tajuk di atas. saje je. tetiba teringat plak kat lagu tu. oh ye, lupa, da lama sgt tak update blog ku ini. just a quick review about myself for 2011.. saya bekerja semula di smk kg jawa. owh sgt gembira. dekat ngan rumah, yay! boleh dtg lambat, yay! jimat duit petrol, yay! boleh shopping lebih, yay! hehehe

but, as usual, smk kota kemuning masih ada di hati. really missed all my children there. luckily got facebook hehehe.

nothing much to put here today, maybe this is the beginning for me to blog back this year, or maybe only this entry will be the one and only this year. who knows..

till then,