How are you guys? lamanya tak posting sini.. i can see spiderwebs everywhere
Just wanna share few things happend for the past few weeks..
~Khaliff's bufday
on 18th was khaliff's bufday. so, i made him a choc moist cake ( because he is a choc lover *very!*)..its very chocolatey!! one slice is enough for me

~ i found a new word
last week, when my sister and i were chit chatting, i accidentally come out with a new word.. it is "REAZZIT".. its actually a combination of "really? + is it?"
hahaha!!.. but personnaly, i think its quite a cool word hehehe.. come on guys, spread the word!! 
~Went to IB to watch Impak Maksima The Musical
im not a big fan of Impak Maksima but my sis got free access, so why not right? suprisingly, on that night, tickets sold out ok! about the theater, the lighting was good, the dancing, the singing part was also good. overall, i think its a good attempt. thumbs up to ahmad idham
oh ye, lots of celebrity also came to watch last night.. some of them yg i can still remember- nanu, awal, jue aziz,riezman & wife, umie aida,erma fatima,nina juren,lisdawati & husband & julia ziegler..
~My along's convocation day
Congratz to my along!! Finally, graduate dah ko ye..after all the hard work, hard times, struggling between work and classes.. Congratz sis!!
What else ya?? oh ye, to aida and milin, happy belated bufday ya!! may u guys have a wonderful life ahead
Till then,
cherio!! ^_^

last week, when my sister and i were chit chatting, i accidentally come out with a new word.. it is "REAZZIT".. its actually a combination of "really? + is it?"
~Went to IB to watch Impak Maksima The Musical
im not a big fan of Impak Maksima but my sis got free access, so why not right? suprisingly, on that night, tickets sold out ok! about the theater, the lighting was good, the dancing, the singing part was also good. overall, i think its a good attempt. thumbs up to ahmad idham
~My along's convocation day
Congratz to my along!! Finally, graduate dah ko ye..after all the hard work, hard times, struggling between work and classes.. Congratz sis!!
What else ya?? oh ye, to aida and milin, happy belated bufday ya!! may u guys have a wonderful life ahead
Till then,
cherio!! ^_^
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