Wednesday, August 6, 2008

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today's helpful article is: How to overcome shyness.. hehe i might try it also since i'm kinda shy when meeting new ppl.. so, need to overcome it since my new-so-called job need to meet client uhuhu :snow28:

How To Overcome Shyness

1) Determine why you're shy in the first place. For example, are you scared of what someone might say about your physical appearance? Remember, there's an underlying reason for how you react in situations.

2) Act as if you're not shy. In private, behave as if you're oozing confidence. Hold your chin up, stick your chest out, add a swagger to your walk and speak firmly. It may seem ridiculous, but you will see results when you're out in public.

3) Practice making eye contact and smiling in your interactions with others. Strike up casual conversations with strangers about weather or current events.

4) Look your best. One way to improve self-consciousness is to always look good and limit ways you can be selfcritical.

5) Lower your fear of rejection by imagining the worst possible outcome. If you approach someone, they may say "no" or they may just walk away. Absolutely everybody has been rejected at some point, but no one has to dwell on it.

6) Look and learn. Watching friends or even strangers who aren't shy is a good way to learn some tips first-hand.

7) Feel positive about yourself, don't get frustrated and have fun. Remember, the real goal is to find someone who will like you for who you are.

to those yg ade idea lain, share2 la ek.. really need it ^_^

till then,
