Wednesday, June 11, 2008

| T.E.N.S.I.O.N |


Tensionnya bila pikir pasal kerja..huhu.. bukan tension pasal kerja skrg.. tapi memikirkan pasal nak cari kerja lain.. it's not that i'm not happy with my current job, but i need to find better job with better salary.. moreover the price of petrol increase, so expenses pon increase le huhu.. *adeih*

So, sesapa yg ade job vacancies kat mana2 tu inform2 la ek..

oh ye, today is huda's last day in ntv7..she gave me a very beautiful butterfly brooch.. thanks ya!! to huda: gud luck for ur new job..gain lots of experience there yep.. and all the best for ur future undertakings..

till then,

cherio!! ^_^

this is dedicated to employers out there :P
(photo taken from nelo2006-flickr. thanks!!)