is a simple & ordinary person, Dun have a superpower like those in the comics and movies, Live in shah alam, working as a teacher in secondary school..I love music very much,movies as well. This is my blog, so ill write whatever i want,whenever i want. Constructive comments are most welcomed but to those intruders, go get urself a better life.. Thank you.. May God bless you..
hehe today is my birthday !! hehe tua suda.. yg ke-24 plak tu.. hesh dewasa dewasa .. my wishes?? tak de apa pon sgt, just hoping to get a great life ahead and also stable financial hehhe
semlm, my best buddy aida, dgn bermurah hatinya belanja kami2 yg celebrate birthday december ni mkn..yum2 !! thanks yep
with miss aida aka the victim who foots the bill hehe
the 'busy eating' preys: ikmal, mira, ezan n me heheh
the 'busy talking' preys: ip n chan( betul ke eja nama dia ni) ;p
my presents hehe.. love it very much!! thanks ya
p/s: next year, kita wat ade xtvt plak ye hehehheheeeeeeee.. more presents!!
How are you guys? lamanya tak posting sini.. i can see spiderwebs everywhere hehe..
Just wanna share few things happend for the past few weeks..
~Khaliff's bufday
on 18th was khaliff's bufday. so, i made him a choc moist cake ( because he is a choc lover *very!*)..its very chocolatey!! one slice is enough for me's the cake:
this is my first deco attempt for bufday cake ;p still learning
~ i found a new word
last week, when my sister and i were chit chatting, i accidentally come out with a new word.. it is "REAZZIT".. its actually a combination of "really? + is it?" hahaha!!.. but personnaly, i think its quite a cool word hehehe.. come on guys, spread the word!!
~Went to IB to watch Impak Maksima The Musical
im not a big fan of Impak Maksima but my sis got free access, so why not right? suprisingly, on that night, tickets sold out ok! about the theater, the lighting was good, the dancing, the singing part was also good. overall, i think its a good attempt. thumbs up to ahmad idham oh ye, lots of celebrity also came to watch last night.. some of them yg i can still remember- nanu, awal, jue aziz,riezman & wife, umie aida,erma fatima,nina juren,lisdawati & husband & julia ziegler..
~My along's convocation day
Congratz to my along!! Finally, graduate dah ko ye..after all the hard work, hard times, struggling between work and classes.. Congratz sis!!
What else ya?? oh ye, to aida and milin, happy belated bufday ya!! may u guys have a wonderful life ahead
~ im working with ampang puteri specialist hospital now.. more serious, no more glamourous working environment uhuhu ( missd that very much). really missd all the 'crazy' people not saying im not happy with my new job now but in apsh, i have to be more serious, no more 'lawak2 merepek' . but, thanks to all my colleagues in apsh, really helped me a lot because im not from the medical and marketing field.. really appreciate that
~i involvd wit an accident!!. huhu.. i knocked down a motorcycle. huhu.. but wasnt totally my fault.. everybody struggling to get back in their lane bcoz b4 that, we have to move aside to give way to the escort police. im not sure whether the motor was in my blind spot area or she menyelit2 and i accidentally knocked her down..huhu.. so, there goes my money .. just a msg to that akak: im paying you the money because i felt that it's my fault even though part of me saying im not, my responsibility is over.saya redha je. but if you knew that im not guilty but you just keep silence just to make me pay for ur motor, its between you and Allah and im not gonna halalkan that money..maybe this is kinda harsh but if you were in my shoes, you guys will feel the same way too..
okeh enough with that sad story huhu.. hopefully next week wont be anything bad happened to me..
oh ya, happy deepavali to all indians who celebrating it..
hallo my dear blog, sorry for the late update.. not in the mood of blogging lately.. hehhe..
ok, just a quick update of what happened to me for the past two weeks:
1) i've resigned from ntv7 already (my last day is on 25th aug)*huhu gonna miss that place soooo much*
2) i attendd the 15 skim jawatan spa test.. tatau le lepas ke tak ehehe *hopefully pass the test*
3) yesterday, i went to avril lavigne concert!! *yaaay!!* .. i won the tix from the hotlink sms contest.. arrivd early at stad merdeka, then went to times square, grab something to eat..pastu dekat pukul 6 pegi stad merdeka balik, register tuk hospitality invitation access.. hotlink ade sediakan refreshment for the contest winner.. huhu.. bila da masuk, bukan sekadar refreshment, da tahap dinner punya makanan..huhu..kalau tau awal2, tak yah le susah2 g times square pg makan isk isk.. pas da menjamah sana dan sini..pegi la mendapatkan tempat masing2..tempat kitaorg kat grandstand le..sebelah royal box ngan vip..ade bumbung hehehe..takle basah coz mlm tu ujan kejap.. tapi takle clear sgt mcm seclear masa mcr ngan linkin park dulu.. tapi tak kisah le kan, tiket free worth rn188, sape nak kasik? hehe..enjoyd the concert very much ^_^ ade la hiccups sket2..tapi wth, bende remeh temeh je tu hehe..abaikan ;p ade la record satu lagu-complicated, sbg kenang2an heheh.. kalau nak tgk click la vid kat bawah ni, tapi sori la, quality video nya kureng sket, tapi audio quite clear
camwhoring hehehe
pre-concert hospitality event*mkn time!*
milin & i before the concert
after the concert ^_^
till then,
p/s: oh ye, selamat menyambut hari merdeka dan selamat menyambut bulan ramadhan to all muslims out there
hi there..for this post, i just want to continue the "When we were small" memories..we'll see some of the cartoons that i used to watch during my childhood..
he man & the master of the universe his hairstyle yg mahal tu heheh need to explain further *bow*..
thunder..thunder..thunder cattt!!!
the smurf..ahh my favourite ^_^.. very cute!! even the villain's name also cute - Gargamel :p pink panther- my dad's favourite :)
popeye the sailorman *tut tut* my mom dulu slalu ckp, if u wanna be strong like popeye, then u have to eat the spinach huhu-.-
dragonball!! i like the theme song ^_^ *lets fly fly...* power rangers.. those time, all the girls wanna be the PINK RANGER lol
and last but not least...
ULTRAMAN ACE!! to me he is the most handsome ultraman in his family hahahah!!
itu je la some of the cartoon i used to watch.. what is ur favourite? share la with me.. maybe ade yg i termissd out?tell me ya..i can add back later ^_^