please please dont you dare sing in a public if you dont have a decent voice!!!!!!
aiyooo, smlm pegi shopping mall kat pj *malas nak mention nama* , ade la para2 penyanyi ni nyanyi2 ..tatau la tuk ape, nak kata nyanyi lagu raya takde plak kedengaran, nak kata nak promote album, sorg tu je yg artis aku kenal.. tapi yang tak bestnya, sore salah sorg tu sgtlah MENJENGKELKAN!! ya! diulangi MENJENGKELKAN!! drpd aku sihat mihat datang sana, terus sakit kepala tahap migrain!! sgt turn off mood aku untuk membeli belah..last2 tak beli pon, belah aje huhuhuhuhu....the whole day aku MIGRAIN ok!!
so, please la ek, to anyone who wanted to sing in public, please do make sure ur voice wont make other people suffer from hearing it.. luckily i didnt puke and fainted *hahah exaggerate sket* but still, please dont destroy the suppose to make us happy and lively not make us dead ;p
till then,
cherio!! ^^
p/s: i also dont have a decent voice, but i didnt sing in public ;p